Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move

little flutters from within

I feel my skin stretch

to enwrap you in my womb

I know your so small

yet your life flutters within so loudly

I seek to know you

I seek to hold you

Yet I fear the unknown

I question the fate life will bestow

Will I get to hold you, know you?

Or will your life flutter out to soon?

I dont know your hair color

nor what color will shine from your eyes

I dont know what you will like

nor what things you'll dislike

I do know that I feel you move

like little birds fluttering within

I do know that your alive,

and that you shall have a name. 

But fear blocks out joy

fear creates anxiety from within me

I fear the unknown, 

and yet I find hope. 

I hope to know you.

© 11/18/2021 Emma J. Willden


 Hello to you 

there you sit 

resting so far 

yet so close to the surface.

I feel you move

I notice the signs

the agitation building from within

ready to burst out.

You were there

resting so still

hiding in that shadow

yet here you now are bursting.

Where did you come from?

Why do you exsist to burst?

I feel you,

I know you,

yet deep within I wish you'd remain

why do you emerge? 

Hello to you,

and yet, I am not pleased

not at all pleased to see you

burst to destroy the peace. 

© 11/18/2021 Emma J. Willden

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Magic of Writing

 The words I create

Come unbidden to my soul

Flowing and echoing 

Like a song flowing within

They write upon paper

seemingly like magic

thoughts to words

appearing beneath my finger tips

"There is no such thing as magic"

is a message imbedded into our minds

etched upon our very hearts

yet i beg to disagree

These words I create

come from a place within

appearing in my world

to create new worlds hidden in-between the lines

© 12/06/2020 Emma J. Willden

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Hand

We run along this path of life

traveling at speeds, meant to outrun each other.

We race in life, focusing on the image we create,

hoping that no one looks deeper then our skin.

We prepare ourselves for the race,

that win, the victory at its end.

We dont see the cliff ahead, 

the cliff hidden behind lies of the world.

We see it in time to stumble over its edge,

left to dangle by the thread of strength in our grasp.

I find myself dangling above empty space,

as my heart beat comes to an abrupt halt. 

I grasp the cliff edge, 

trying to find that life saving hand hold.

I yell out for help, seeking assistance from those who run.

I feel fear build up within,

As realization stinks in that I am on my own.

I come to recognize the impact of the race we run,

as the only response I get is voices echoing "hold on".

The voices echo out loud to me

echoing words of encouragement 

The voices meant to offer reasurance

only leave me in solitude

The voices echoing words of encouragment

leave me feeling abadonded 

The voices tell the same words, 

Yet don't they know words won't hold me in place?

The voices offered with false caring

Echo within as my grasp begins to lossen. 

I hear the voices echo around me

"Hold on", 

I feel the pain within build

As I lose hope for tomorrow. 

I wonder....why I am alone.

Then I start to believe that it doesnt matter.

I reflect at the life I lived

Understanding the race like never before.

I feel my grip break 

Allowing myself to fall I close my eyes.

Filled with dread I feel the air flow by

Then shock replaces my dread, as I stop.

Opening my eyes I look up, and I see.  

I see a strong hand holding mine

Who could this be?

Who would take that leap?

Who would care enough to help me after I had  fallen?

Then I see it....

and I know it...

The hand grasping mine

as ordinary as it looks at first glance

is scared by the sins of our world

there within the flesh rests the scar of a nail . . . 

I then understand. 

© 12/04/2020 Emma J. Willden

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Unwritten Poetry

Unwritten Poetry

 Do you feel that?

Such a divine feeling created within...

Yet so anxiously annoying?

Do you hear those words?

Echoing within the confines of your mind...

Yet could it be from the soul?

Do you realize their worth?

Each a precious hidden gem within...

Yet why are they hidden?

I do...

I feel those words 

those words that echo within

however what is their worth?

© 12/03/2020 Emma J. Willden

Admiration ...


You stand in awe

I wonder why

You see something great

I feel inadequate 

You see a victory

I see my failures

You echo out loud

...saying words woven with beauty

...saying that I am so many things

I echo your words within

...thinking they are beautiful lies

...thinking I am not so many things

Over time we dance back and forth

weaving words between each other

interwoven with our thoughts form within.

© 12/03/2020 Emma J. Willden

Tuesday, September 22, 2020



As time departs,

It slips inbetween the cracks

Slipping from our grasp

Where will this moment go today?

© 09/21/2020 Emma J. Willden

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move little flutters from within I feel my skin stretch to enwrap you in my womb I know your so small yet your life flutters wit...