Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Oh America....

 Oh America...

I cant breathe America

From the darkest night

To the brightest of days

I suffocate under the hatred

Oh America, I cant breathe


I cant remember America

From the smallest law

To the larger legal impacts

I see the freedoms dwindle

Oh America, I cant remember them all


I cant count America

From the smallest wrong

To the largest injustice

I lost count so long ago

Oh America, I cant count the wrongs


I cant choose America

From the Democratic Party

To the Republican Party

I turn my back to both

Oh America, I cant choose to be divided


I cant speak America

From sarcastic remarks

To more serious debates

I might cause offense

Oh America, I cant always filter my words

I cant think America

From the tiniest thought

To the largest ingrained belief

I am incorrect in every one

Oh America, I cant think like you desire


I cant be myself America

From my personality

To my personal choices

They are there for your critique

Oh America, I cant follow your design


Oh America, let there be peace

Oh America, let there be freedom

Oh America, let there be justice

Oh America, let us stand together in respect

Oh America, let us speak aloud

Oh America, let us think critically

Oh America, let us be ourselves

© 08/26/2020 Emma J. Willden

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