Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move

little flutters from within

I feel my skin stretch

to enwrap you in my womb

I know your so small

yet your life flutters within so loudly

I seek to know you

I seek to hold you

Yet I fear the unknown

I question the fate life will bestow

Will I get to hold you, know you?

Or will your life flutter out to soon?

I dont know your hair color

nor what color will shine from your eyes

I dont know what you will like

nor what things you'll dislike

I do know that I feel you move

like little birds fluttering within

I do know that your alive,

and that you shall have a name. 

But fear blocks out joy

fear creates anxiety from within me

I fear the unknown, 

and yet I find hope. 

I hope to know you.

© 11/18/2021 Emma J. Willden


 Hello to you 

there you sit 

resting so far 

yet so close to the surface.

I feel you move

I notice the signs

the agitation building from within

ready to burst out.

You were there

resting so still

hiding in that shadow

yet here you now are bursting.

Where did you come from?

Why do you exsist to burst?

I feel you,

I know you,

yet deep within I wish you'd remain

why do you emerge? 

Hello to you,

and yet, I am not pleased

not at all pleased to see you

burst to destroy the peace. 

© 11/18/2021 Emma J. Willden

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move little flutters from within I feel my skin stretch to enwrap you in my womb I know your so small yet your life flutters wit...