Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Rainbow I Know

A Rainbow I Know

Poem & Artwork by: Emma J. Willden

Poem & Artwork created on February 4,2018

Dedicated to: Alora

So many people come and go,
Upon this journey we create,
And upon the paths we choose to take.
However none quite like you.
Your brilliance is unknown,
Your smile, your laugh,
Reminds me of a rainbow in a storm.
Your bright eyes shine,
Letting the sun out to play.
Your laughter dances among the leaves,
As the wind laughs with you.
With colorful thoughts
You create and beckon us in.
Into a world full of life and love.
In awe, & wonder we stand amazed.
Questioning our luck
At knowing a rainbow.

© 02/04/2018 Emma J. Willden

Saturday, February 3, 2018



Poem & Artwork by: Emma J. Willden

Poem & Artwork created on February 3,2018

With each step,
each twisting tune,
I seem to forget my journey here.
Sometimes I have ran,
sometimes I have crawled.
Yet my roads I take
seem to slip from memory.
As I embrace the knew,
I embrace the paths I am on.
However if I glace back,
I can see in sight
my rainbow yarn trailing behind.
Twisting & turning at each bend;
connected to the yarn skein I hold.
With each step & choice
I create my yarn path,
a path made of memories,
and my foundation.

© 02/03/2018 Emma J. Willden

Friday, February 2, 2018

Time & Space

Time & Space

Poem & Artwork by: Emma J. Willden

Poem & Artwork created on February 2,2018

Trying to see & know.
Trying to grasp a hold,
of that which little we know.

I reach out for time & space.
Determined to understand,
determined to know my story.

I seek out time,
yet it slips through my grasp.
Never being held or known.

Reaching out for it,
I find each moment gone to fast.
Each second disapearing.

© 02/02/2018 Emma J. Willden

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move little flutters from within I feel my skin stretch to enwrap you in my womb I know your so small yet your life flutters wit...