Monday, July 27, 2020

The Beating Drum

A silent drum beats thru the night
It beats to a rhythm we are all too familiar with
It beats to the beat we cant outrun
It beats the sounds of life

We hear it from time to time
We realize the meaning
The depth hidden within its beating sounds
Yet we continue to dance

We dance to this beat
We dance with smiles, and laughter
Brushing off its imposing lies
The lies we choose to not see

Then it stops, the beat freezes
In place, in time
In those moments we realize
That we cant dance along

We look to see our hands bound
Our lives gone
That which we cherished, that which we took for granted
Gone, unavailable, forbidden, and lost

We cry out in fear
We cry out “its not fair”
Yet we used to dance
We continued to dance, and let this come to pass.

© 07/27/2020 Emma J. Willden

Afraid to Stand

We stand here
We talk, we chat
We gossip and we converse
Yet we stand here.

We see the past
We understand our present
We know the potential future roads
Yet we stand still.

We know that our future is at stake
Our freedoms hang in a balance
As chaos becomes a tug a war
However we stand silent.

We complain, we vent
About the complications of our current state
Yet we don’t move,
We stand frozen.

We pretend its okay
We pretend things will work out
We hope for the best,
Yet in fear we struggle to stand.

We fear the world
We fear offending others
We fear to breath, to walk, to speak
We sit down to watch.
We watch our country
We watch our freedoms
We watch the changes
And we choose to do nothing.

© 07/27/2020 Emma J. Willden

Sunday, July 12, 2020


I count down....

I hold my breath, and wait.
I wait to breath, and to know.

I speculate...

questions that roll in the mind.
questions that wont roll off my tongue.

I look for...
a place...
a time...
a moment...

For that moment I see you again.
For that time you hold me again.

My thoughts race
my heart beats
the hands on the clock tick
it all continues on...
the sun comes up
the sun sets....
yet you are gone.
your smile is hidden in memories
your smell is on the tip of my senses
your laugh echoes hallow in my mind

I count...
I wait..
I speculate...
I plead for time to fly

© 07/12/2020 Emma J. Willden

Rainbow Babe

 I feel you move little flutters from within I feel my skin stretch to enwrap you in my womb I know your so small yet your life flutters wit...